Water Soluble CBD (Cannabidiol)
CBD, the subject of much research for being somewhat of a miracle substance and mainly derived from industrial hemp plant is an oil in its natural form.
Nano Amplified Hemp Oil
With the fast growth of the CBD industry and constant advances in its technology, there are a lot of terms floating around that are unfamiliar, if not confusing, too many people. “Nano-Amplified CBD” is one of them. While the science and biological makeup of CBD is the subject of much research and scholarly articles, for its amazing health benefits, it can all be broken down into simple terms.
CBD — What’s all the Buzz About?
CBD is the name of a natural organic compound found in the cannabis plant. It is one of the numerous compounds found in the plant that are called Cannabinoids. Researchers have been looking at the potential therapeutic uses of CBD and are making some amazing discoveries.
Dramatically Improving Overall Health with Hemp-Derived Terpenes for Inflammation
What are Terpenes and what are Hemp-Derived Terpenes? Terpenes are found in the essential oils of plants and contribute to their flavor, scent, and