What are Terpenes and what are Hemp-Derived Terpenes?
Terpenes are found in the essential oils of plants and contribute to their flavor, scent, and color. Plants like rosemary, mint, and basil have a strong terpene profile, which is why they’re referred to as aromatic plants.
Hemp contains a wide range of terpenes (over 120) that are thought to interact synergistically with the cannabinoids in the plant and to enhance its health effects.
Terpenes in hemp have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, the most known of them being caryophyllene and myrcene.
Beta-Caryophyllene, for example, is known to activate the CB2 receptor and to have anti-inflammatory effects. It’s non-psychoactive and is the first FDA approved dietary cannabinoid, being used as food additive.
Myrcene is also found in menthol, mango, hops, eucalyptus, lemongrass, and many other plants. Just like the previously mentioned compounds, it has anti-microbial and anti-septic properties and acts as a natural anti-depressant, anti-carcinogen and anti-inflammatory agent.
As inflammation is typically associated with joint problems, this particular property makes terpenes useful at enhancing joint health. Terpenes also possess antioxidant activity that provides cells with protection from various types of damage, including that which may be caused by diseases such as diabetes, cancer, kidney, cardiovascular, nerve, or liver disease. Therefore, terpenes have the ability to dramatically improve overall health.
Furthermore, hemp only contains a trace amount of THC that does not cause drug-like effects. The hemp seed oil and hemp-derived ingredients in SeaBD, 24K CBD and Sanctum products contain less than 0.03% THC, which is not only undetectable but also legal in the United States.
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